Campaigns You Can Support

Support Salaheddine Islamic Center 🌙

Support Salaheddine Islamic Center 🌙

0.00 raised of 60,000.00
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Support Sahaba and Al-Faruq Mosque 🌙

Support Sahaba and Al-Faruq Mosque 🌙

155,549.45 raised of 150,000.00
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Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Sheeba and Wasif

Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Sheeba and Wasif

27,670.00 raised of 20,000.00
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Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Shazah

Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Shazah

3,651.00 raised of 3,500.00
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Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Noorain

Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Noorain

120.00 raised of 3,500.00
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Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Mariam

Support Rohingya Refugee Children in Malaysia with Mariam

3,500.00 raised of 3,500.00
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