Ramadan Orphan Campaign

Amplify Your Ramadan Deeds By Caring For Orphans

210.00 raised of 1,000.00

210.00 raised

Goal 1,000.00

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This Ramadan let’s come together to make a difference in someone’s life. Charity protects one from calamity, acts as shade on the Day of Judgement, and showers us in Allah's (SWT) blessings. Imagine the rewards and blessings when you sponsor an orphan or provide medical and educational support to needy children during Ramadan. 

This beautiful hadith explains how incredible the opportunity is: The Prophet sws, said: 'I and the one who sponsors an orphan shall be in Paradise like these two' — and he raised his index finger and the one next to it, holding them together, barely separate” (Bukhari, No. 5304).

I thought it would be great to fundraise some money together this Ramadan and amplify our deeds.