*Changemakers are* organizing this fundraiser to benefit * the creation of a Water Well * in honor of Sister Noor Ibrahim * . *
Assalamu Alaikum,
Sister Noor was a blessing in our life. She was a beautiful Muslim educator who did her best in teaching generations to be good Muslims. She showed Ihsan in all details of her work, spread happiness with her cheerful soul and beautiful smile. She was patient with her illness, May Allah grant her Jannatul Firdaus and grant her family and beloved ones patience. Nour had a positive print in each one's life of those who knew her. Today, we would love to send her a small gift that would continue to be in her scale of hasanat InshaAllah
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)."
Learn more about Islamic Relief Canada's Water Wells Sponsorship. [1]
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$1,500 can build a standalone water well
$5,000 can sponsor a portion of a community water well
* The Best Charity is Giving Water *
Water is the key to all life. A staggering 785 million people are going thirsty each and every day. Without safe and clean water to drink, they are at risk for dehydration, disease and at worse, death.
You can be a part of changing their future forever! Give your Sadaqa Jariya today to help communities gain safe access to clean water. Donate to water wells through any of the following ways.
* Your Donation in Action *
Your donation goes towards providing necessary water support to vulnerable communities through the construction of water pumps, hand pumps, sanitation facilities, irrigation systems, water networks, hygiene training, and distribution of sanitation kits.
* Your Impact *
1. For online donations made towards sponsoring a well, we will send you an initial and final report when the project is completed. This final impact report will contain pictures of your sponsored well and details of the community impact related to the project you supported.
2. For any fully funded water projects and donations over $5,000, we provide you with initial and final reports alongside an inscription (when requested and if available). This will include a photo of the water well, along with its coordinates, progress, and the impact it has made on the local community.
3. For donations made towards the general Water for Life fund, we send an annual impact report of completed and ongoing WASH projects implemented during the year.
* How Your Water Donation Changes Lives *
Through Islamic Relief’s Water for Life fund, we employ diverse solutions to fulfill the critical need for safe water in communities worldwide. Collaborating closely with local communities, we create sustainable long-term solutions for clean water.
Our projects are currently located in over 30 countries across Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. By supporting Islamic Relief’s Water for Life projects with your Sadaqa Jariya (ongoing charity) donation, you are contributing to impactful water projects that make a positive difference in the lives of those in need.
When you donate water wells, you are saving lives by helping to protect vulnerable people from the deadly risks of contaminated water. Your support also means that the futures and quality of life for hundreds of families and communities all around the world are instantly improved just through clean water!
Islamic Relief works with communities to strengthen their resilience to calamities, and we provide vital emergency aid when disasters occur.
We help the impoverished access basic services, including education, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare. We provide lasting routes out of poverty through our sustainable development schemes. Our integrated approach to progress is transforming communities worldwide.
We tackle the root causes of poverty and make sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have real influence in both our programs and advocacy.
* Our Vision *
A more compassionate and just world where no one is left behind.
* Our Mission *
To mobilize Canadians to transform more lives around the world in the most trusted manner.
* Our Values *
We remain guided by the timeless values and teachings of the Qur’an and the prophetic example (Sunnah), most specifically:
* Sincerity *
In responding to poverty and suffering, our efforts are driven by sincerity to God and the need to fulfil our obligations to humanity.
* Excellence *
Our actions in tackling poverty are marked by excellence in our operations and the conduct through which we help the deserving people we serve.
* Compassion *
We believe the protection and well-being of every life is of paramount importance and we shall join with other humanitarian actors to act as one in responding to suffering brought on by disasters, poverty and injustice.
* Social Justice *
Our work is founded on enabling people and institutions to fulfil the rights of the poor and vulnerable. We work to empower the dispossessed towards realizing their God-given human potential and develop their capabilities and resources.
* Custodianship *
We uphold our duty of custodianship over Earth and its resources, and the trust people place in us as a humanitarian and development practitioner to be transparent and accountable.
* 40 Years With Islamic Relief *
Remembering a Legacy of Compassion and Change
For four decades, Islamic Relief has been weaving a thread of hope, compassion,
and positive change across 40 countries. With your support, we've touched the lives of 120 million
people, creating a world where no one is left behind. Join us in honoring our 40th anniversary and
continue the journey of transforming lives. Thank you for being part of our story.
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