UWOSP Appeal for Yemen Crisis
Category: Yemen Fundraisers
4,119.80 raised of 5,000.00

4,119.80 raised

Goal 5,000.00

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Emergency Appeal
Sadaqah Jariya

This fundraiser is being organized by
UWOSP Appeal for Yemen Crisis

The ongoing Yemen crisis began with the 2012 revolution against the country’s former President. With the new government and opposing rebel groups backed by rivaling countries, escalating violence has become the norm and continues to ravage the nation and its 32 million citizens. 

In Yemen, 14 million people lack access to safe water and sanitation, 19.7 million people lack access to adequate healthcare, and 6 million people are on the brink of famine. With the conflict continuing to wreak havoc, women and children are left vulnerable to heightened violence and food insecurity. It’s estimated that over 2.2 million Yemen children are starving.

As matters worsen, the UN World Food Program has announced the cessation of food aid to Yemen due to, "limited funding and disagreement with local authorities over how to focus on the poorest there." In a country where 32 million people live, with 14 million lacking access to safe water and sanitation, 19.7 million deprived of adequate healthcare, and 6 million on the brink of famine, the notion of "focusing on the poorest" seems inaccurate with the widespread suffering. The urgency of the situation demands our attention and action. Now, more than ever, Yemen needs our help. As a nation that stands against genocide, we cannot turn a blind eye to the country that, despite being the poorest, has endured immense loss along the way.

Yemen now officially hosts the world’s largest human-induced food security crisis.

Families and communities have been torn apart and left without even the most basic of living essentials:

  • 12 million Yemen children are in need of food, water, shelter and medicine

  • Over 19 million people lack access to basic healthcare

  • 4.5 million people have been left displaced by conflict and violence

On the ground in Yemen, the situation is dire and things are getting worse each and every day.

Join the University of Waterloo Orphan Sponsorship Program (UWOSP) in their initiative with Islamic Relief Canada to raise $5000 to provide a lifeline for the people of Yemen. 

“Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve”

[Qur'an 2:274].

Lastly, be sure to share this fundraiser with your friends and family as it gives them the opportunity to contribute to making a change in someone’s life. For every donation they make, the blessings of the reward will come back to you for sharing the cause.  

Peace be upon you,

UW OSP, the University of Waterloo Orphan Sponsorship Program, is an organization based out of the University of Waterloo. Our primary purpose is to empower orphaned youth.

The aid money will be given through Islamic Relief. For further information about them, see below.

For the funds raised, ~85% of all proceeds will go directly to the sponsorship of orphans and ~15% goes to fundraising and admin costs through Islamic Relief, a registered Canadian Charitable Organization (Registration No. 821896875RR0001).

All donations to Islamic Relief are tax deductible. Islamic Relief emails out a consolidated tax receipt at the beginning of the following year for all your donations at once.


can feed a family for a month 


can provide living essentials 


can provide urgent medical aid

24 million
in need of humanitarian aid
2.3 million+
children facing starvation
Islamic Relief Canada's Yemen Appeal

Bring Relief to Yemen

Fear, worry, hunger, grief. For 24 million people in Yemen, this is their tragic reality. 

With the recent suspension of general food distributions by the UN World Food Programme, this concerning decision will exacerbate the current humanitarian crisis and have a devastating impact on the most vulnerable in Yemen. 

9.5 million people will now be left without food in northern Yemen. 

Our teams in Yemen are currently on the ground in 17 of the country’s 22 governorates, continuing to distribute food packs and essential food vouchers to provide critical aid to families in need. Your Sadaqah and Zakat can be the relief for children and families facing starvation in Yemen.

What is the Yemen Crisis?

The ongoing Yemen crisis began with the 2012 revolution against the country’s former President. With the new government and opposing rebel groups backed by rivaling countries, escalating violence has become the norm and continues to ravage the nation and its 32 million citizens. 

Violence, high tension, and blockades have led to increased levels of food insecurity, socio economic instability, health risks, and famine. The humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains one of the worst in the world. After over 9 years of continuous war, millions of people are hungry, ill, destitute, and vulnerable. 

In Yemen, 14 million people lack access to safe water and sanitation, 19.7 million people lack access to adequate healthcare, and 6 million people are on the brink of famine. With the conflict continuing to wreak havoc, women and children are left vulnerable to heightened violence and food insecurity. It’s estimated that over 2.2 million Yemen children are starving

Yemen Crisis: 24 million people are in need of humanitarian aid

With the ongoing conflict in Yemen – already one of the poorest countries in the region – tens of thousands of lives have been lost and over 16 million people don’t know where their next meal will come from. A country crippled by conflict is sadly now on the brink of famine.

With families facing ongoing armed conflict, displacement, disease and economic decline, an estimated 24 million people (80% of the country’s population) are now in need of humanitarian aid to survive – a figure so high that it is in fact the highest across the globe.

Yemen now officially hosts the world’s largest human-induced food security crisis.

Families and communities have been torn apart and left without even the most basic of living essentials:

  • 12 million Yemen children are in need of food, water, shelter and medicine

  • Over 19 million people lack access to basic healthcare

  • 4.5 million people have been left displaced by conflict and violence

On the ground in Yemen, the situation is dire and things are getting worse each and every day.

Why the people of Yemen need your help

“I am tired. Tired of sickness and treatments, the extreme cold, and my inability to meet my family’s basic needs. Our life is tiring and although we do not have anything, we still say Alhamdulillah.”

Yasmine is a skin cancer patient and displaced mother of six. 3 years ago, Yasmine and her family uprooted their lives and fled violence in Al-Hodeidah. They now reside in Sana’a, where her family struggles to make ends meet. 

Yasmine’s family often goes days without enough food, water, and medicine. Their urgent needs are compounded by Yasmine’s cancer treatment, costing over $1,600 CAD per day of treatment. This means that Yasmine forgoes treatment most days, simply because she cannot afford it.

With little money to their name and minimal sustenance to keep them alive, Yasmine’s family are in urgent need of support. 

“Where do we go? Will anyone have mercy on us? Will anyone look at us with an eye of mercy? Who will look at us?” 

Yemen Crisis: Islamic Relief is on the ground

Islamic Relief has been working in Yemen since 1998 and is currently on the ground in 17 of the country’s 22 governorates, delivering aid to many hard-to-reach areas. Our country office is in the capital, Sana’a, and we have eight sub-offices in Dhamar, Amran, Aden, Taiz, Hodeida, Saada, Maarib and Rymah.

We remain on the ground throughout the year, long after the cameras leave, providing essential food aid to families at risk of famine and those facing extensive food insecurity. 

We staff more than 315 national and international employees dedicated to providing disaster relief and aid in the country's most troubled areas. Beyond our primary focus of delivering lifesaving emergency aid, Islamic Relief works on early recovery and development projects, including the likes of child welfare programs, orphan sponsorship, safe hygiene practices, livelihood opportunities, and so much more.

The best way to donate to help Yemen

Through our emergency appeal, you can help Yemen by donating generously to save lives. Islamic Relief is distributing food across a wide area and providing food to 2 million people every month. 

We’ve also supported 167 health facilities across the country to enable doctors and nurses working to treat wounded, sick and malnourished people. We have also been working to support children through child protection and psycho-social support activities.

In light of the impending famine, we’re continuing to distribute food packs and essential food vouchers to provide critical aid to families in need. However, we need your help to reach as many people as possible and widen our response.

Islamic Relief works with communities to strengthen their resilience to calamities, and we provide vital emergency aid when disasters occur.

We help the impoverished access basic services, including education, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare. We provide lasting routes out of poverty through our sustainable development schemes. Our integrated approach to progress is transforming communities worldwide.

We tackle the root causes of poverty and make sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have real influence in both our programs and advocacy.

Our key values, of compassion, justice, custodianship, sincerity and excellence – a critical part of our Islamic faith - inspire us each and every day to create positive change and remember the sanctity of life.

In line with Islamic teachings on the value of every human life, we provide assistance to whoever needs it most, regardless of race, religion or gender. We work to transform and save lives of people in crisis both Canada and across the world.

Let us share the khair from the blessings Allah has bestowed upon us.