Let's share the khair from the blessings Allah has bestowed upon us.



Building a Well in Honour of Hajjah Mohammad
Support Orphans & Vulnerable Communities in Bosnia with Ibrahim
Category: Inspire 2024

For Giving Tuesday, you can help Islamic Relief Canada reach our goal of planting 10,000 olive trees in Palestine! You can help Palestinian farmers restore and grow new olive groves, increase green areas, protect the environment, and support sustainable livelihood. Sow the seeds of reward and plant a tree in Palestine on behalf of a loved one or yourself as the gift of Sadaqa Jariyah! Devastating attacks and settler violence in 2021 destroyed over 9,300 olive trees, directly affecting the livelihood of the Palestinian people. To help these families restore their livelihood, we are planting Olive Trees across Palestine. As it grows to fruition, it will be a source of ongoing blessing for all! Don’t miss your chance to make this momentous gift!


For Giving Tuesday, you can help Islamic Relief Canada reach our goal of planting 10,000 olive trees in Palestine! You can help Palestinian farmers restore and grow new olive groves, increase green areas, protect the environment, and support sustainable livelihood. Sow the seeds of reward and plant a tree in Palestine on behalf of a loved one or yourself as the gift of Sadaqa Jariyah! Devastating attacks and settler violence in 2021 destroyed over 9,300 olive trees, directly affecting the livelihood of the Palestinian people. To help these families restore their livelihood, we are planting Olive Trees across Palestine. As it grows to fruition, it will be a source of ongoing blessing for all! Don’t miss your chance to make this momentous gift!


For Giving Tuesday, you can help Islamic Relief Canada reach our goal of planting 10,000 olive trees in Palestine! You can help Palestinian farmers restore and grow new olive groves, increase green areas, protect the environment, and support sustainable livelihood. Sow the seeds of reward and plant a tree in Palestine on behalf of a loved one or yourself as the gift of Sadaqa Jariyah! Devastating attacks and settler violence in 2021 destroyed over 9,300 olive trees, directly affecting the livelihood of the Palestinian people. To help these families restore their livelihood, we are planting Olive Trees across Palestine. As it grows to fruition, it will be a source of ongoing blessing for all! Don’t miss your chance to make this momentous gift!

Jasmine Stands with Somalia

This cause is so dear to my heart and is something I’ve wanted to do for a while now. Which is to create a way to actually help our community back home that is in need. That is why I’m so glad to be partnering up with Islamic Relief to help Somalia because they’ve been experiencing extreme drought and poverty. I ask you to not only keep Somalia in your dua's but to also contribute whatever you can to this cause, and help make a change. I also call on all my fellow Somalis who live in the west to help us reach our goal because giving back is the best way we can help to rebuild our community!

Team Pakistan: Mashaal

Our Challengers are back at it again, but this time they are taking on NOODLES! But not just any noodles. The challenge entails eating a very spicy brand of Korean noodles called Samyang Chicken Noodles. There are a total of 6 Halal-flavoured levels. The spiciest level measures 8000 scoville heat units which makes them the spiciest noodles in the world! Representing team Pakistan is Mashaal! Show your support by donating to plant olive trees in Palestine!

Team Nova Scotia: Miguel

Our Challengers are back at it again, but this time they are taking on NOODLES! But not just any noodles. The challenge entails eating a very spicy brand of Korean noodles called Samyang Chicken Noodles. There are a total of 6 Halal-flavoured levels. The spiciest level measures 8000 scoville heat units which makes them the spiciest noodles in the world! Representing team Nova Scotia is Miguel! Show your support by donating to plant olive trees in Palestine!

Team Jordan: Raven

Our Challengers are back at it again, but this time they are taking on NOODLES! But not just any noodles. The challenge entails eating a very spicy brand of Korean noodles called Samyang Chicken Noodles. There are a total of 6 Halal-flavoured levels. The spiciest level measures 8000 scoville heat units which makes them the spiciest noodles in the world! Representing team Jordan is Raven! Show your support by donating to plant olive trees in Palestine!

Team Banff: Salman

Our Challengers are back at it again, but this time they are taking on NOODLES! But not just any noodles. The challenge entails eating a very spicy brand of Korean noodles called Samyang Chicken Noodles. There are a total of 6 Halal-flavoured levels. The spiciest level measures 8000 scoville heat units which makes them the spiciest noodles in the world! Representing team Banff is Salman! Show your support by donating to plant olive trees in Palestine!

Help Nihad plant Olive Trees in Palestine

For Giving Tuesday, you can help Islamic Relief Canada reach our goal of planting 10,000 olive trees in Palestine! You can help Palestinian farmers restore and grow new olive groves, increase green areas, protect the environment, and support sustainable livelihood. Sow the seeds of reward and plant a tree in Palestine on behalf of a loved one or yourself as the gift of Sadaqa Jariyah! Devastating attacks and settler violence in 2021 destroyed over 9,300 olive trees, directly affecting the livelihood of the Palestinian people. To help these families restore their livelihood, we are planting Olive Trees across Palestine. As it grows to fruition, it will be a source of ongoing blessing for all! Don’t miss your chance to make this momentous gift!

Sadaqa Jariya for Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef

Help us honour Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef’s legacy of community service and care, by building life-saving water wells in his memory as Sadaqa Jariya. Your gift will go towards building a hand pump borehole well in Malawi and a water irrigation system in Ethiopia, to bring clean water and the gift of life to transform the lives of 2 entire communities.

Abdulrahman Medical Surgery
Aid For Turkey

The sheer scale of the damage following the earthquakes in Turkey is heartbreaking to witness. With each hour that passes, the death toll increases dramatically. As a person with Turkish heritage who lived through the infamous 1999 earthquake, which resulted in 18,000 deaths, I know the damage and destruction are unfathomable. Right now, there are hundreds if not thousands of people trapped underneath rubble or in desperate need of medical attention. People are sleeping on the streets in the dead of winter because they are too scared to sleep in buildings. Clean water, food and medication are in short supply. Please give what you can to help those in the impacted areas. Every dollar counts.

Regina's Emergency Response for Turkiye & Syria

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has hit Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. According to latest reports, at least 5,000 people have been confirmed dead across both Turkey and Syria, with the deathtoll expected to rise. Gaziantep has the highest death toll among Turkish cities so far. At least 22,000 people have been injured across the affected provinces in Turkey, with many more trapped in the rubble following the collapse of hundreds of buildings. Help our brothers and sisters who are in dire need right now with emergency aid such as food packs, medical supplies, emergency shelters and more.

Stable Ground for Turkey-Syria-Lebanon

The Wilfrid Laurier University and Waterloo University Muslim Student Associations have teamed up to serve the needy who are in need of immediate care. Our hearts bleed to the thousands who have passed on to Allah ‏سبحانه وتعالى and we ask The Almighty to forgive them. The time is now. Donate today to convey life-saving aid.

Challengers Unite for Turkiye & Syria

We might've travelled the world, challenging our minds, bodies and souls but the challenge the Turkish and Syrian communities are dealing with is unimaginable. Let's come together and be of support to them. Let's rally our communities and support our brothers and sisters in Turkiye and Syria.

Support Turkiye & Syria with Ariba Pervaiz

On Monday, February 6, there was a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkiye and Syria. This earthquake has tragically killed over 11,000 people – a number that is expected to rise over the coming days. Families are scrambling to rescue loved ones trapped under the rubble of their homes, and so many more await treatment for their injuries as ongoing rescue operations take place in a desperate bid to save lives.  At this time, I am joining efforts with Islamic Relief Canada to provide urgent aid to those who need it most in a timely manner. They have teams on the ground and a few of their own staff members who are there providing direct and efficient aid. Please donate generously and keep the people of Turkiye and Syria in your prayers!

Support Turkiye & Syria with Manal Ranjha

On Monday, February 6, there was a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkiye and Syria. This earthquake has tragically killed over 11,000 people – a number that is expected to rise over the coming days. Families are scrambling to rescue loved ones trapped under the rubble of their homes, and so many more await treatment for their injuries as ongoing rescue operations take place in a desperate bid to save lives.  At this time, I am joining efforts with Islamic Relief Canada to provide urgent aid to those who need it most in a timely manner. They have teams on the ground and a few of their own staff members who are there providing direct and efficient aid. Please donate generously and keep the people of Turkiye and Syria in your prayers!

Turkey Syria Earthquake Emergency Relief Response

The Calgary Islamic School, Akram Jomaa campus, is fundraising to support our brothers and sisters impacted by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. All funds raised will go directly to Islamic Relief's emergency efforts in the area. The devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkiye and northern Syria. 10 provinces in the region have been affected including Kayseri, Malatya, Adana Diyarbakır, Gaziantep & Hatay. The earthquake has caused extensive damage across multiple cities and towns, and ongoing rescue operations are taking place in a desperate bid to save lives. Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Please donate generously and help save lives.

Support Turkiye & Syria with Nour Kaiss

On Monday, February 6, there was a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkiye and Syria. This earthquake has tragically killed over 11,000 people – a number that is expected to rise over the coming days. Families are scrambling to rescue loved ones trapped under the rubble of their homes, and so many more await treatment for their injuries as ongoing rescue operations take place in a desperate bid to save lives.  At this time, I am joining efforts with Islamic Relief Canada to provide urgent aid to those who need it most in a timely manner. They have teams on the ground and a few of their own staff members who are there providing direct and efficient aid. Please donate generously and keep the people of Turkiye and Syria in your prayers!

Support Turkiye & Syria with Sana Zaid

On Monday, February 6, there was a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkiye and Syria. This earthquake has tragically killed over 11,000 people – a number that is expected to rise over the coming days. Families are scrambling to rescue loved ones trapped under the rubble of their homes, and so many more await treatment for their injuries as ongoing rescue operations take place in a desperate bid to save lives.  At this time, I am joining efforts with Islamic Relief Canada to provide urgent aid to those who need it most in a timely manner. They have teams on the ground and a few of their own staff members who are there providing direct and efficient aid. Please donate generously and keep the people of Turkiye and Syria in your prayers!

Saskatoon's Emergency Response for Turkiye & Syria

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has hit Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. According to latest reports, at least 5,000 people have been confirmed dead across both Turkey and Syria, with the deathtoll expected to rise. Gaziantep has the highest death toll among Turkish cities so far. At least 22,000 people have been injured across the affected provinces in Turkey, with many more trapped in the rubble following the collapse of hundreds of buildings. Help our brothers and sisters who are in dire need right now with emergency aid such as food packs, medical supplies, emergency shelters and more.

IR Clubs Turkiye Syria Earthquake Appeal

Islamic Relief is on the ground now in both Turkiye and Syria in the aftermath of the earthquakes. Our teams are working hard to ensure people get the help they need. And yet it is clear that there are still so many more who await our help. In the face of so much suffering, IR Clubs nationally are asking for your generous donations so we can continue our work.

John Stubbs Middle School - Emergency Appeal for Turkiye/Syria

As-salamu alaykum and Hello everyone! My name is Sohayb, and my entire Grade-7 class of M. Denton needs your help to support our fundraiser for those affected by the earthquakes in Turkiye and Syria. We are saddened by the loss of life and want to help anyway we can, we are having a bake sale on Monday, February 21st in our school, where we will be donating 100% of all proceeds towards Islamic Relief Canada's Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. You can also donate online! Please support our fundraiser!

Be the Change with CentreCanada - Earthquake in Turkiye/Syria

Imagine, for a moment, the feeling of helplessness and fear that the survivors of a devastating earthquake are experiencing. Trapped beneath the rubble of what was once their homes, they cling to the hope that someone will come to rescue them. The moments are ticking by, each one a cruel reminder that they are still buried, still in danger, still in need. And yet, despite the fear and uncertainty, there is a glimmer of hope that they hold onto tightly. The hope that they will be rescued, that they will survive, that they will see their loved ones again. But this hope is fragile, and it needs our support to thrive. The earthquake that struck Turkiye and northern Syria on February 6, 2023 has left a trail of devastation in its wake. With over 17,000 confirmed deaths and 70,000 injured, the need for immediate aid is more pressing than ever.

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria - B1

Our Bosnia Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye. We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria - B2

Our Bosnia Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye. We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria

Our Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye.We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. We had the honour to volunteer in Turkiye and this is a campaign that is very dear to our hearts. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

Ramadan Challenge for Crisis in Turkey and Syria

The sheer scale of the damage following the earthquakes in Turkey is heartbreaking to witness. With each hour that passes, the death toll increases dramatically. As a person with Turkish heritage who lived through the infamous 1999 earthquake, which resulted in 18,000 deaths, I know the damage and destruction are unfathomable. Right now, there are hundreds if not thousands of people trapped underneath rubble or in desperate need of medical attention. People are sleeping on the streets in the dead of winter because they are too scared to sleep in buildings. Clean water, food and medication are in short supply. Please give what you can to help those in the impacted areas. Every dollar counts.

FamFightsFamine - Turkey & Syria Emergency

Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Prep Doctors for Turkey and Syria

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Fund

The recent earthquakes that have ravaged parts of Syria and Turkey have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and many more injured. The University of Western Ontario’s Arab Students’ Association, Muslim Students' Association, Kings UC Student Council, Brescia UC Student council. and Pakistani Student Association have decided to raise funds in order to help families that are in need during these critical times. All funds will be donated to aid Islamic Relief Canada’s emergency response efforts within the affected regions.

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria - M1

Our Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye. We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria - SA

Our Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye. We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

MTJF Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief Fund

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to Molana Tariq Jameel Foundation's Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Earthquake Emergency Response with Raisa

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Relief for Syria and Turkey

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Ayla’s Earthquake B-Day Campaign

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to Ayla's Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

CUMSA Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Help us support relief efforts in Turkiye Syria - PR

Our Inspire cohort has come together to fundraise and raise awareness about the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkiye. We are coming together to support our global family - our brothers and sisters in humanity. Please help us support these relief efforts. The people of Syria and Turkiye need us!

Siram's Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Team Borle Mortgage Architects Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Rabeea's Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to me Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help me reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Zaid's Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Milton Mommies Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

The Turkey and Syria earthquake of 7.8 magnitude has taken over 40,000 lives and displaced thousands of others. It will take years of work to rebuild these communities. While emergency response teams and humanitarian workers carry out the work on the ground, let's fundraise for what they need to do their work on the grounds. Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. Islamic Relief is providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. Islamic Relief continues to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Helping Hands for the Turkiye-Syria Earthquake

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Support Turkey and Syria with Little Treehouse Child Care Centre

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Audrena Paponette's Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Mohamad Fakih Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to my Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Somalia Drought Crisis: Providing Water

We are a group of sisters in the Taleem al Qur'an program at Al Huda Canada Institute. After learning Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 177, Ayatul Birr (the verse of righteousness), which stresses the importance of being good to parents, neighbors, relatives, orphans and the needy, we decided to take action and help those in need in Somalia. Somalia is undergoing a major drought and consequently a famine, thus requiring urgent humanitarian aid. Through this fundraising campaign we will be raising money to provide access to water for those in need. So many of us take our access to clean drinking water for granted without giving much thought to those who don’t have this luxury, and unfortunately there are many who don’t. Donate now and help change someone’s normal for the better.

Cousins for Turkey Syria Earthquake

Hello/Salamu alaikum! We're 3 cousins (8, 10 and 11 years old) who like to help out our community. So when we heard there were earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, we knew we had to help out! We decided to make bookmarks and bracelets and sell them. This is our fundraiser for people who want to donate. Syria and Türkiye have gone through a few earthquakes in recent weeks. With more than 40 000 deaths and hundreds of thousands left homeless, we took it upon ourselves to help in any way we can. We want to raise 1000$, help us reach our goal. Salut/Salamu alaikum, Nous sommes 3 cousines (8, 10 et 11 ans) qui aiment aider notre communauté. Donc, quand nous avons entendu des tremblements de terre en Türkiye et en Syrie, nous savions que nous devions faire quelque chose. Nous avons décidé de faire des signets et des bracelets que nous allons vendre. C'est notre levée de fonds pour les personnes qui veulent nous aider. La Syrie et Türkiye ont connu des tremblements de terre ces dernières semaines. Avec plus de 40 000 morts et des centaines de milliers de sans-abri, nous avons décidé d’aider. Nous voulons amasser 1000$, aidez-nous à atteindre notre objectif!

Entrepreneurs United Virtual Conference in support of Turkiye-Syria Earthquake

Time is of critical essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now in order to reach and save as many lives as possible. Alongside keeping the people of Turkey and Syria in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them. You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe for the people of Turkey and Syria by donating towards our life-saving work in communities for displaced families across both countries. Islamic Relief teams are on the ground right now responding to the disaster in both Turkiye and Syria. We are providing medical supplies to local hospitals, supporting their capacity to treat those who are injured. We continue to assess the situation as it evolves, making preparations to provide emergency food and shelter support to those affected. Help save precious lives and donate now to our Turkiye-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Faizan's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Alina's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Chrefie's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Ganiyat's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Meera's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Humera's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Nora's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Bisher & Yusuf's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, we will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like us, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like ourself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support our campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Amani's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Zahra's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Aaliyah's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Yasmina's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Rida's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Shaamel's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Ibrahim's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Faten's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Fatimah's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Mohammad's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This October, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Layla's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Ayman's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This September, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Mercy for Turkey and Syria - Rayaan's Birthday Fundraiser

Dear friends, and I'm so excited to celebrate my birthday this year. But this year instead of getting gifts I wanted to ask your help to support the people of Turkey and Syria who are suffering from a deadly earthquake with millions affected by this tragedy. Thousands of children my age are desperate for your donations to meet their basic needs. I would appreciate any help you can provide. Islamic Relief Canada is a registered charity so your donations will be tax deductible. Love, Rayaan

GTA MSAs' Indonesia Earthquake Appeal
Vidya Foundation - Fundraising Campaign for Turkey and Syria

Help us support the families effected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey & Syria.

Yusuf's Volunteer Abroad in South Africa

This May, I will be traveling to South Africa to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children in Cape Town. The Inspire volunteer abroad program is a unique opportunity that provides hands-on education to volunteers like me, on the field and at home. Over the past 4 years, the program has taken 17 cohorts to 7 different countries to learn from our teams and right-holders on the ground. This program focuses on having volunteers raise donations and awareness, and serving their communities locally and globally. Volunteers like myself will be engaging directly with vulnerable communities and orphan children in South Africa to learn about their situation, and to raise awareness. Support my campaign and take part in being apart of this noble cause!

Refrigerative Supply Limited Fundraiser for Turkey and Syria

Help our brothers and sisters in need, and make a difference in peoples lives.

SenecaMSA Fundraising Event

Make a difference with us! Join our event for a fun-filled day of delicious food, beautiful art, and giving back to those affected by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

Support Orphans in Bosnia - Urwah

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Amro's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Abdallah's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Jood's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Salwa's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Emina's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Maarya's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Doa's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Aisha's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Sanaa's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.

Nabeel's Volunteer Abroad in Bosnia

This summer, I will be travelling to Sarajevo, Bosnia to take part in a leadership program with Islamic Relief Canada to learn and engage with orphans and vulnerable children.