Ibn Batouta School Fundraiser

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As Muslims living in the West, raising our children and the coming generations with sound knowledge about their faith is an absolute priority.

It takes not only a village, but an Umma to raise a child. It is a collective responsibility that our Muslim community (parents, youth, community leaders) need to understand deeply. Each one of us must step in, extend a hand and contribute to this cause, the education of our Muslim kids.

Education in an Islamic environment is not an option for our youth, it is an asset.  It is the investment of every parent to ensure a healthy and safe future for their precious children.  Our predecessors travelled to learn and to educate the world. Today, our youth, barely have the basic knowledge of their faith. We need to change this before it becomes too late as our children are the future of our community and the guarantors of the continuation of the enduring values of Islam in our part of the world.

Who are We?

Over the past 17 years, Ibn Batouta School has been a reference in the Ottawa area for providing a solid Islamic education in an academic setting on par with other schools in the province of Ontario. We implement the provincial curriculum from kindergarten to grade 12 in full French. In fact, Ibn Batouta School is the only French-language Islamic school in the national capital region to date. We also have a twin project in English under Canada Knowledge Academy, which provides the provincial curriculum in the English language. Both Ibn Batouta School (École Ibn Batouta in French) and Canada Knowledge Academy are accredited schools by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

Our specialty is providing a standard academic curriculum in a protective Islamic environment, conducive to the flourishing of our values. The jewel in the crown of our unique project is our Islamic studies program -- with emphasis on Qur’an recitation and memorization. Students take courses that lay the foundation for a correct understanding of Islamic belief as well as instill deep love and reverence for the sacred traditions that have inspired and sustained great part of humanity since the coming of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Alhamdulilah! Thanks to the Almighty for all, He blessed us over the years with committed parents, teachers and community members who have believed in our project from the very beginning and who have had our back, every step of the way. We are in debt of gratitude to them and are immensely grateful for their unwavering support.

We invite you to join our growing community of supporters and help us raise 200000 during this blessed month. No amount of money is too great or too small to maintain our school during this difficult time, as the global pandemic has placed considerable constraints on our fundraising efforts over the past years. We need the help of each one of you. Each contribution counts. Each contribution is an investment in the future of our children.

Why do we Need the Funds?
Our School Building

The monthly school cost payment is a monthly burden. We need to pay off this year, half of the rest.  Thanks to the financial support of dedicated Muslims, we managed to pay off more than 1/3 of the property’s cost since its acquisition in 2016. We need your help and support to pay off a portion of the school’s property cost.

COVID-19 Pandemic Debt

Both of our schools had to take financial debt in order to maintain our educational services and to cover the costs of operation. Your donations will help us pay off a portion of this debt. We kindly ask you to open your hearts and give generously for our cause during these blessed days of the month of Ramadan.

We ask Allah that He opens the gates of His immense mercy for you and that He rewards you manifold for your generosity, He is the possessor of inexhaustible wealth and He gives without measure.

"Those who spend their wealth [in Allah's way] by night and day, secretly and openly - they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. "

[Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayah 274]


Abdillahi Ahmed


Ecole Ibn Batouta

Canada Knowledge Academy