iftar Saim ( Iftar pour le jeûneur) , 120 repas chauds à distribuer.

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Your Donations Matched

40 Years With Islamic Relief

Remembering a Legacy of Compassion and Change

For four decades, Islamic Relief has been weaving a thread of hope, compassion, and positive change across 40 countries.
With your support, we've touched the lives of 120 million people, creating a world where no one is left behind. Join us in honoring our 40th anniversary and continue the journey of transforming lives. Thank you for being part of our story.

This fundraiser is being organized by
Centre islamique de Badr

Empowering Our Mosques, Empowering Our Community

In times of joy and hardship, our mosques have been steadfast pillars, providing a sanctuary for ibadah, spiritual growth and community.. However, due to inflation and the lingering effects of COVID-19, many mosques are grappling to maintain their essential services and stay operational.

This Ramadan, Islamic Relief will match the money your Masjid is able to raise throughout the month. Your impact will be doubled, extending your reach and magnifying the support our community can achieve together.

Why is Your Support Crucial?

Many of our masajid rely on your donations to keep their doors open. Our community's strength lies in unity, and now, we have the opportunity to make a larger impact and much-needed difference. By contributing Sadaqah and donations, no matter the amount, we can ensure that our mosques are supported and continue to be the heart of our community. 

Investing in Unity, Ensuring Legacy

Your generosity not only upholds our religious duty of giving back but also secures the future for generations to come. Even a modest donation plays a pivotal role in sustaining our mosques, covering maintenance costs, and supporting the diverse programs and services they offer. This is an investment in the future of our community. 

Show Gratitude & Join Us in Empowering Our Mosques and Our Community

As we express gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah, let us channel our appreciation into action. Every contribution, no matter the amount, is a vital step towards preserving the vital role our mosques play in our lives. Let's remember the comfort found within the walls of our masajid, and commit to ensuring they continue to flourish. 


Bienvenue sur le site du Centre islamique Badr, situé à Montréal, dans la ville de Saint-Léonard, au Québec. Nous sommes un centre islamique engagé à servir la communauté musulmane en offrant une variété de services et d’activités.

Notre objectif principal est de fournir un espace accueillant et inspirant pour les musulmans de tous âges et horizons. Au Centre islamique Badr, nous disposons d’une mosquée spacieuse où les fidèles peuvent se réunir pour la prière et se connecter spirituellement.

En plus de notre mosquée, nous proposons également une gamme de services et d’activités visant à répondre aux besoins de la communauté musulmane. Notre école coranique Badre offre un enseignement de qualité pour les enfants, où ils peuvent apprendre les enseignements sacrés du Coran et développer leur compréhension de l’islam.

En tant que centre islamique, nous sommes fiers de promouvoir les valeurs de paix, de tolérance et de fraternité. Nous encourageons l’engagement communautaire et organisons régulièrement des événements et des programmes éducatifs pour renforcer les liens entre les membres de notre communauté.

Au Centre islamique Badr, nous sommes soutenus par une équipe dévouée de membres du personnel et de bénévoles qui travaillent ensemble pour offrir des services de qualité et un environnement chaleureux à tous ceux qui nous rejoignent.

Nous invitons chaleureusement la communauté musulmane et les personnes intéressées à explorer notre site web pour en savoir plus sur nos activités, nos services et nos événements à venir. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous souhaitez vous impliquer dans nos initiatives.

Nous sommes reconnaissants de votre intérêt pour le Centre islamique Badr et nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir dans notre communauté.

Islamic Relief works with communities to strengthen their resilience to calamities, and we provide vital emergency aid when disasters occur.

We help the impoverished access basic services, including education, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare. We provide lasting routes out of poverty through our sustainable development schemes. Our integrated approach to progress is transforming communities worldwide.

We tackle the root causes of poverty and make sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have real influence in both our programs and advocacy.

Our key values, of compassion, justice, custodianship, sincerity and excellence – a critical part of our Islamic faith - inspire us each and every day to create positive change and remember the sanctity of life.

In line with Islamic teachings on the value of every human life, we provide assistance to whoever needs it most, regardless of race, religion or gender. We work to transform and save lives of people in crisis both Canada and across the world.

Let us share the khair from the blessings Allah has bestowed upon us.