UWOSP Seeds of Hope: Morocco and Libya Disaster Relief

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Recent natural disasters in Morocco and Libya have left over 8,000 dead and over 15,000 more injured or missing, and unfortunately the death toll is only expected to rise in the coming weeks. Please donate generously to help us raise $16,000 dollars for earthquake and flood relief to the respective countries and to help us save lives.

A powerful earthquake struck Morocco at 11pm on September 8, injuring over 5,000 and killing close to 3,000 people. The earthquake struck in the High Atlas mountains, impacting hard to reach, remote villages. Residents are using any available equipment in order to reach their neighbors and loved ones under the rubble. Aftershocks have left families terrified to seek shelter, in case that too, collapses in on them, forcing exhausted survivors to sleep in the streets.

Storm Daniel reached northeast Libya on Sunday September 10, resulting in strong winds, heavy rainfall, and catastrophic flooding. Two dams near the eastern city of Derna have collapsed, submerging much of the area to the extent that entire neighborhoods are believed to have been washed away. Currently, over 5,000 people have died and 10,000 are missing. There has been extensive damage to vital infrastructure, telecommunication networks, roads and bridges separating families from reuniting in the aftermath and isolating communities from aid.

How is Islamic Relief helping?

Islamic Relief teams are on the ground in Morocco, and in both countries they are rapidly working through local partners to conduct immediate needs assessments and provide relief to those affected by the earthquake and floods. Their primary focus is on providing urgent food supplies, emergency shelter and basic essentials.

How can YOU help Morocco and Libya?

Support Islamic Relief in helping to respond and meet the needs of the people in Morocco and Libya that have been desperately affected by the disasters there. Every donation helps no matter how small.

$65: can provide life-saving essentials

$150: can provide a family with an emergency food pack

$250: can provide emergency shelter to those who have lost their homes

“Those who spend their wealth in charity day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve” [Qur'an 2:274].

"And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" [Qur’an 5:32].

Lastly, be sure to share this fundraiser with your friends and family as it gives them the opportunity to contribute to making a change in someone’s life. For every donation they make, the blessings of the reward will come back to you for sharing the cause.

Peace be upon you,



UW OSP, the University of Waterloo Orphan Sponsorship Program, is an organization based out of UWaterloo. Our primary purpose is to empower orphaned youth. To learn more about our organization, visit uwosp.com and visit our Instagram and Facebook pages.

The aid money will be given through Islamic Relief; for further information about them, see below.

Where the money goes:

For the funds raised, ~83% of all proceeds will go directly to provide emergency relief to Morocco and Libya and ~17% goes for fundraising and admin costs through Islamic Relief, a registered Canadian Charitable Organization (Registration No. 821896875RR0001).

About Islamic Relief Organization:

Since being founded in 1984, Islamic Relief (IR) has been responding to humanitarian crises around the world for the past 38 years with an aim to reduce the impact of conflicts and natural disasters. IR works to achieve their aims by providing access to water, food, shelter, healthcare, and education for long-term purposes.


All donations to Islamic Relief are tax deductible. Islamic Relief emails out a consolidated tax receipt at the beginning of the following year for all your donations at once.

Islamic Relief Canada's Libya Emergency Appeal

Donate to Libya

Over 5,000 people have died and 10,000 are missing after Storm Daniel made landfall in northeast Libya, resulting in strong winds, heavy rainfall and catastrophic flooding on Sunday September 10, 2023.

Two dams near the eastern city of Derna have collapsed, submerging much of the area. Entire neighborhoods are believed to have been washed away.

Extensive damage to vital infrastructure, telecommunication networks, roads and bridges is separating families from reuniting in the aftermath and isolating communities from aid.

Please donate generously and help save lives today.

How your donations can help people in Libya

Alongside keeping the flood-affected people of Libya in our prayers, we have a duty to not turn our back on them during this time of dire need.

You can help ease the burden of this catastrophe by donating towards our life-saving work. Islamic Relief is working through local partners to conduct immediate needs assessments and provide relief to those affected by the floods.

We are focused on providing urgent food supplies, emergency shelter and basic essentials at the moment. Help us send relief today.

$65 can provide life-saving essentials 
$150 can provide a family with an emergency food pack 
$250 can provide urgent shelter to those who have lost their home

Islamic Relief’s thoughts and prayers are with the people of Libya, as they face the aftermath of one of the deadliest floods in North Africa in recent years.

The deadliest flood in North Africa in recent years

September flooding in Libya is the second deadliest flood North Africa has seen in more than a century, with a death toll in the thousands. The floods have affected several cities, including Al-Bayda, Al-Marj, Tobruk, Takenis, Al-Bayada, and Battah, as well as the eastern coast all the way to Benghazi.

Two dams on the Wadi Derna River burst after heavy rainfall overwhelmed them, sending millions of cubic metres of water downstream, hitting Derna – home to approximately 100,000 people.

Apartment blocks collapsed, a seafront bridge and entire neighbourhoods washed away as water rushed to the sea. Some 20,000 people have been displaced, with a death toll that is continually rising as rescue operations take place.

People are in urgent need of food, shelter, and support. Please donate generously and help save lives.

Islamic Relief Canada's Morocco Emergency Appeal

Powerful earthquake kills hundreds in Morocco’s High Atlas region

A powerful quake struck at 11pm on September 8, injuring thousands and killing over 1,000 people – a grim death toll that is likely to rise in the days ahead.

Many of the dead are in remote villages in the High Atlas mountains, the epicentre of the earthquake. Residents are using whatever equipment they can find as they struggle to reach their neighbours under the rubble.

Aftershocks have left families too frightened to seek shelter, with exhausted survivors forced to sleep in the streets.

Please support our Emergency Response today, giving anything you can to help save lives.

Islamic Relief's Response

Islamic Relief teams from neighbouring countries are en route, and we are rapidly working through local partners to conduct immediate needs assessments.

In the coming hours, we will work to provide urgent food supplies, emergency shelter and basic essentials to the people affected by the earthquake. Help us send relief today.

Islamic Relief’s thoughts and prayers are with the people of Morocco, as they face the aftermath of one of the strongest earthquakes in years.

Historic Marrakech badly damaged

The earthquake, which was felt as far away as Algeria and Portugal, also shook historic Marrakech, the nearest major city to the epicentre. Homes and other buildings in the UNESCO World Heritage Site have collapsed.

The epicentre was in the High Atlas Mountains, 71km (44 miles) south-west of Marrakesh, at a depth of 18.5km. The earthquake killed people in the provinces and municipalities of al-Haouz, Marrakesh, Ouarzazate, Azilal, Chichaoua and Taroudant.

Blocked roads are preventing ambulances from reaching the wounded, and while officials are scrambling to clear debris, rescue and relief efforts are difficult amid the mountainous terrain, risk of landslides, and large distances.