Zahra's Campaign for Water
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“The best charity is giving water to drink and He was the most generous in giving charity.”

 Musnad Ahmad

On a demandé au Messager d’Allah (saw) : « Quelle est la meilleure des aumônes ? » Il a répondu : « l’eau ». [Abu Dawud]

Nous utilisons l’eau pour tout : se nourrir, se laver, l'agriculture, etc. Dans le Coran, Allah dit : « Au moyen de l’eau, nous donnons vie à toute chose » [Coran, 21:30]. Les communautés n'ayant pas accès à l’eau potable font face à des difficultés inimaginables ; femmes et enfants doivent marcher des heures pour aller chercher un peu d’eau. Avoir accès à de l’eau potable est un droit humain fondamental et le réaliser est une excellente Sadaqa.

En faisant un don, ce puit sera construit en votre nom et le Prophète (saw) recommande l’eau comme la meilleure des aumônes. Donc, à chaque fois que quelqu’un rompra son jeûne en utilisant cette eau, portera des vêtements lavés avec cette eau, mangera un légume cultivé avec cette eau, vous serez récompensés.


Islamic Relief Canada's Clean Water for Life Program

The best charity is giving water

A staggering 785 million people are going thirsty each and every day. Without safe and clean water to drink, these people risk dehydration, disease and at worse: death.

How your water donation changes lives

When you donate water wells, not only does it act as a Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) but you also help communities facing water scarcity access clean and safe water. Your generous donations are helping us to reach over 200,000 people through over 100 water wells, hand pumps, and water infrastructure to provide clean water for life.

We support communities across the globe in a variety of ways, including:

Offering life-saving clean water to thousands of students by installing water tanks at various schools in Sudan 
Installing drip irrigation systems in Ethiopia to support agro pastoral farmers 
Ensuring that families can directly access clean water by drilling and installing hand pump water wells in their homes 
Creating water management committees and providing local community members with the training to manage their community’s water systems

Water Charity: Sustainable sources of clean water

Here at Islamic Relief, we’re working worldwide in over 40 countries across the globe to ensure that not only do communities have a safe and reliable source of water for today, but for life too.

When we build a water system, we ensure communities have a sustainable source of clean water for years to come.

We bypass short-term interventions and high running costs to instead provide long-term sustainable solutions; installing irrigation systems, building water tanks, training communities, distributing hygiene kits and rehabilitating viable water systems.

Help us to provide men, women and children clean and safe water, an essential we all take for granted.